July 2016 Goals


We are halfway through the year y’all!! HALFWAY! Can you believe it?! We re-evaluated our yearly goals this week and I’m excited to share our goals for this month! To be totally transparent, this year we’ve had some curve balls thrown our way in life that have made it hard to accomplish the original goals we set for the year. Here’s the thing – goals are amazing and scripture says that “without vision we will perish” (Proverbs 29:18). But we don’t find our worth in accomplishing goals. Some goals we set don’t happen because our life heads in a different direction and some go exactly according to plan. And that’s OKAY! The balance of giving yourself grace with your goals while also working hard to make things happen is hard to achieve; but it’s a very important part of setting goals.

Back in November our friend Nancy Ray wrote this blog post about not achieving goals that I think is a great read. It was amazing how she planned to have it post the day after Bobby’s dad didn’t accomplish a big goal and dream of his to complete Ultraman Hawaii. It was so hard. But her words rang true – just because one goal isn’t accomplished doesn’t mean you stop making goals! Earlier this week Bobby’s dad accomplished a different goal – completing RAAM, which is a bike race crossing our entire country. What if he had given up on any huge athletic goals after not finishing Ultraman Hawaii? He wouldn’t have achieved this awesome victory and lifelong dream!  

I’m writing all of this to be an encouragement to anyone out there that read the first line of this blog post and panicked because half of the year is over and you’re feeling like you haven’t accomplished what you wanted to. If you’re feeling like that I want you to first give yourself grace and then take action! Because of the trials we faced this year we’re in the same boat, but are now ready to tackle the second half of 2016!!  

July Goals

  • Celebrate both of our birthdays with a fun weekend celebration! (Bobby’s is July 8th and my birthday is July 18th so we’re only 10 days apart!)
  • Go to the pool as much as possible
  • Shoot two beautiful weddings (+ rest well after a double wedding weekend)
  • Take a day trip to the beach 
  • Shoot one editorial
  • Paint our office 

If you blog your monthly or yearly goals we’d love for you to share them in the comments! We’re cheering you on!

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