2018 Year Recap


2018 was one of our best and busiest years yet! First off, we are incredibly grateful for our family, friends and amazing clients who all support and love us on this journey of entrepreneurship. We are thankful to have the privilege of working together as a husband and wife team and we wouldn’t trade it for the world!

To start it off here’s a video of our entire year in 1-second clips from each day!



  • Had our first floor hardwoods torn out
  • Tore up our master bath for renovations
  • Enjoyed our first snow in our new home
  • Traveled to Asheville for a weekend getaway with Ally’s family
  • Photographed 4 sessions


  • Finished renovating the master bath
  • Had floors installed on first floor
  • Saw one of our favorite bands in concert: FLOR
  • Visited Chas & Liz in Nashville (our brother and sister-in-law)
  • Ally did goat yoga in Nashville
  • Photographed 1 wedding and 1 session


  • Bobby was in a motorcycle accident-God had his hand on him!
  • Photographed The School of Styling
  • Shot 2 weddings and 3 sessions


  • Painted our dining room
  • The Connecticut Willixes came down to visit
  • Chas & Liz came in town for Chas’s birthday
  • Shot a bridal session at Lazy 5 Ranch
  • Bought too many plants
  • Traveled to Wilmington
  • Shot 3 engagement sessions, 2 of them in Washington DC
  • Shot 3 weddings

From our shoot at Lazy 5 Ranch!


  • Put the finishing touches on our living room
  • The Bulzan’s designed and fabricated our favorite piece of furniture in our home
  • Photographed 2 weddings and 4 sessions

Our dining room table moments after it was installed!


  • Traveled to Charleston to photograph a wedding – we made a weekend away out of it and stayed at one of our all-time favorite boutique hotels!
  • Modeled for a photoshoot at Mcalister Leftwich
  • Hosted a baby shower for two of our best friend’s newest addition
  • Photographed 4 weddings and 3 sessions



  • Bought our mini cooper
  • Traveled to Boone
  • Celebrated both of our birthdays!
  • Ally & her best friend Taylor saw Taylor Swift in concert in DC
  • Traveled to Greensboro for the grand opening of Mcalister-Leftwich
  • Shot 1 wedding and 3 sessions

Ally & Taylor at Taylor Swift in DC


  • Met Baby Senter!
  • Went on a week long vacation with Ally’s family at Hilton Head
  • Hosted a going away party for some dear friends
  • Said goodbye to those same dear friends (may or may not have cried)
  • Traveled to Charlotte
  • Shot 1 wedding and 3 sessions


  • Traveled to Asheville
  • Went on a Disney Cruise with our best friends
  • Watched every Harry Potter movie in the span of 4 days
  • Shot 2 weddings (one during a hurricane) and 7 sessions
  • Hosted the Lovette’s going away party
  • Helped them pack up and sent them off with lots of tears
  • Traveled to Greensboro & Boone

Dressing up during our cruise!


  • Traveled to Wilmington, Hilton Head Island, Goldsboro, Boone, New York, and the entire state of NC
  • Had our photos taken by the amazing Perry Vaile at Hilton Head Island
  • Drove across the entire state (literally) for Bobby’s dad to break a 555 mile cycling record
    • Read the race report here!
  • Visited friends in NYC for our anniversary
  • Had an anniversary session with Revery Co at the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Photographed Revery Co (our best friend’s photography business! Florida people check them out! They’re amazing!!) in Central Park
  • Saw Hippo Campus live
  • Celebrated Ally’s brother’s birthday
  • Shot 2 weddings and 7 sessions


  • Traveled to SC and Florida
  • Celebrated Thanksgiving, and hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the first time!
  • Visited family in Florida (Bobby’s grandmother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer)
  • Met baby Bulzan
  • Picked out our Christmas tree
  • Shot 1 wedding and 2 sessions


  • Celebrated Ally’s Dad’s birthday
  • Traveled to Winston-Salem, Quebec City
  • Hosted the our bff’s the Lovette’s when they were in town- and had the first snow of the winter
  • Hosted our small group for a Christmas party
  • Traveled to Quebec City for a winter getaway
  • Chas, Liz and Bobby’s grandma came in town for Christmas
  • Christmas with the Willixes & Kings
  • Shot a wedding on New Years Eve
  • Rang in New Years with our crew

Our bible study-we love these people!

Saying hello to 2019!



Miles driven: 42,000

Coffees drank: Ally 0, Bobby 415

Weddings: 18

Sessions: 39

Cities Visited: 25



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